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association of private providers of education, training & development

Kim Dry-courtois

Ms Kim Dry-Courtois

Founder of VeryCoolIdeas, a leading training provider since 2000, delivering professional education and skills development programmes across various industries.

Kim has infused the brand with her enthusiasm and professionalism. From early in her career, Kim successfully completed several national and international qualifications in ETD Practices. In 1997, Kim became one of the very first assessors in South Africa. She constantly looks at innovative ways to make learning, an empowering experience. “I would like to see training as a profession rather than as a default career option,” she says.

Kim is respected and regarded as a specialist within her field. As a Community Expert Practitioner, Kim is actively involved in realigning historic national qualifications into the occupational format. Furthermore, she represents the community and technical vocational sectors on the CET/TVET chamber of the ETDP SETA.

Highly motivated and determined, Kim’s philosophy of ‘never giving up’ drives positive socio-economic development which contribute towards improving South Africa’s standing on the world stage.

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